For artists: The images on this page are not at the full resolution. If I commissioned you and forgot to send you the complete references, please message me. If you want to make fanart, you can reach out to me on fedi (first link in the header).

Kyaade Harvarc (she/her)

She’s a talented spaceship pilot and an even more talented assassin. A perfect fit for the 'Xegon Military Advisory Service'.

She’s part of a sci-fi setting of my own creation, for which I’m currently in the process of writing a short (or perhaps not so short, we’ll see) story.

She’s also my transition goal OC, and I happened to have stolen her name. I will also be stealing the tattoos soon, and nipple piercings a bit later. I would definitely steal the genital plug system given half a chance.

Reference Sheet

The reference sheet was drawn by 8bot (link[1]).

The images below contain nonsexual nudity. Viewer discretion is advised.

Main Page

Reference Sheet: Main Page
Image Description

A drawn reference sheet for my OC 'Kyaade Harvarc'.
From left to right, there are the following elements:
First there's a colour palette showing her skin, hair and eye colours.
Next there's nude front and back views of her in an A Pose.
Second to last is a listing of her three tattoos, and lastly there's two portrait views.

Genital Plug System

Reference Sheet: Genital Plug System
Image Description

A reference sheet for Kyaade's modular genital system.
The system involves a receptacle in the individuals body, practically a roughly triangle shaped hole in the place where the genitals will go.
On the other end, the plug has a rough, kinda industrial look where structural support elements and wiring are openly visible.
Speaking of wiring, the plug features two large round connectors at the top intended for biological functions, two flat connectors on each side for data transfer, and power connectors on the front.
Towards the outside, there are modules available with various genital configurations. The sheet shows one with a vagina, one with a penis, one with no genitals to speak of and instead just smooth skin, and lastly one that is pixelated and hidden behind a 'redacted' label.

Pilot Suit

Reference Sheet: Pilot Suit
Image Description

A reference sheet for Kyaade's pilot suit.
The suit in question is a blue-grey skintight suit that features a variety of straps across her body, some reinforced looking bits (for example at her neck, shoulders, elbows, waist and knees), and a number of light blue glowing accents, including three that vaguely resemble her tattoos.

Variant: Younger Kyaade

After I had been on HRT for about half a year, I wanted a version of Kyaade that was less idealized and impossibly far away, and instead closer to where I was in my own transition.

Drawing of my OC earlier in her transition
Image Description

A drawing of my OC Kyaade. She's sitting cross-legged on a bed, wearing a moderately fancy semi-transparent bra and panties that seem to match that style. The lighting in the room is rather dark, though some pink and blue accent lights are coming from the sides.
Behind her on the bed is a Blåhaj, and hanging on the wall is a trans flag.

Leto (it/she)

Leto is a newly adopted OC. It was adopted from 6MY, who also drew the referencce sheet shown below. There isn’t much lore or backstory for Leto yet, and I am also still looking for a longer, more ominous sounding name that is more fitting for its demonic appearance.

Reference Sheet
Image Description

Drawn reference sheet featuring a front and a back view, as well as a portrait shot. The creature in question is an anthropomorphised mixture of a horse, a snake and a demon. It has the tail and snout of a snake, as well as a cobra-like hood. Its legs and hooves are that of a horse. And lastly it has human arms and hands, demonic horns, spikes on its "heels", as well as a dark shadowy halo, and similarly shadowy blobs around its hooves and the tip of its tail. There's also glowing blue runic markings all over her back from the hood down to her tail.
Oh did I mention that it has massive boobs and a horsecock?

1. Yes birdsite bad, once they’re on some other platform I’ll let everyone know