I think we can all agree that succubi are hot as hell (pun intended). And while you could’ve roleplayed a succubus in disguise before, now you can show everyone your beautiful wings, let them feel your sharp claws, and make everyone tremble before your demonic presence 💜 ✨


If I don’t forget, this homebrew will be updated, once the 2024 5e revisions are released, to match their style.

If you use DiceCloud, you can find this species as part of my library here, which is made to work with the 'Libraries of Vexus' Collection.

Succubus / Incubus Traits

Creature Type.

Your are a fiend.

Ability Scores.

Your Charisma score increases by 2.


(I have no idea tbh, I guess a few thousand years? at least?)


Your size is medium. Probably larger than the average human though.


Your walking speed is 30 feet. In your demonic form you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.


You can speak, read and write Common, Abyssal and Infernal.

Natural Armor.

In your demonic form, while you are not wearing armor (except shields), you have an AC equal to 13 + DEX. In humanoid form, the natural armor equals 11 + DEX.


Severing ties with the lower planes has severely limited your polymorphic abilities. Outside of the Nine Hells, you are bound to one humanoid form, as well as one fiendish form that you can only access using the "Demonic Form" trait described below.


Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Demonic Blood.

Your demonic origin and blood make you resistant to fire and poison, but vulnerable to radiant damage.

Stolen Life Force.

You accumulate the life force that you steal from mortals, and need to spend it for some of the abilities below. You need to keep track of this number.

Draining Kiss.

When you kiss a humanoid target that is either willing or charmed by you, you can choose to use this ability to inflict (initially) 1d6+CHA psychic damage onto the target and gain stolen life force equal to the damage done.
Once you have used this ability on a creature, you cannot target the same creature again before making a short rest.
The number of damage dice increases as you gain more stolen life force. For every 20 points you have you gain another d6, i.e. 2d6+CHA at >20 life force and 3d6+CHA at >40.
If you wish, for example to leave the target alive, you can choose to use less than the full number of dice, however you must roll at least one.


You can cast "Charm Person" as a 1st level spell without expending a spell slot, up to a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounding down), and regain all expended uses once you finish a long rest. The saving throw DC for this spell is 8 + PB + CHA. Using this trait also costs you 5 points of stolen life force.

Demonic Form.

Once you posess at least 10 stolen life force, you can transform into your demonic form by performing a ritual. Each minute you stay in your demonic form after the ritual is complete costs you two points of stolen life force.
The ritual requires candles, incense and chalk (to draw runes), all of which can be substituted by your spellcasting focus if you are a spellcasting class that can use one. Additionally, a drop of your own blood is needed. The ritual takes one minute to complete, and cannot be performed against your will.
Being in your demonic form allows you to make use of your wings to fly, enhances your natural armor and grants you an unarmed attack with your claws.
You cannot wear armor in your demonic form unless it is specifically made to accomodate your wings. Trying to transform into demonic form while wearing non-fitting armor will result in severe back pain, and no transformation occurring.

Fiends Claws.

While in your demonic form, you can use your claws to make unarmed strikes. These attacks deal 1d6 + STR slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage usual for an unarmed strike.